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Book Preview: KINK: Sometimes Truth Is So Much Stranger Than Fiction

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If you read this stuff in a novel, you probably wouldn’t believe it… Meet the real people who engage in BDSM (Bondage & Discipline/Dominance & submission/Sadism & Masochism). Kinky will introduce you to a woman who can orgasm from being whipped, a man who likes to take a woman’s entire fist and forearm up his anus, and a Queer woman who likes to groom and train people who identify as “ponies.” As a professional sociologist and long-time member of “the Scene”—the social world of people who call themselves “kinky,” Dr. Fennell describes the lives of the many kinky people she has encountered with an insider’s unique brand of empathy and playful wit. Drawing from her extensive experiences interviewing, observing, and frolicking with kinksters throughout the mid-Atlantic, Fennell explains what it is that kinky people say they do, what they actually do, and why they do it. A tourguide who knows the scenery intimately, Fennell takes you to a world that is simultaneously exotic and unexpectedly mundane, but where the rules are just… different. It’s a world where the ties that bind are tighter than those of the outside “vanilla” world, and not just because there are usually ropes or chains involved. And it’s a world where love (and sex) can get very, very big, and very, very, very loud.

Sometimes truth is so much stranger than fiction.

Want to read more? Click on the 2 sample chapters linked below! If you want to see this book in print, please vote in the poll here, so I can encourage publishers to make it happen! 


Sample chapters:

Chapter 2: Shades of Gray

Chapter 4: The Love Language of Kink


Editors and publishers: I’m still looking for a publisher for my book! If you’re interested, please send me an email at theslut@slutphd.com, and I’ll put you in touch with my agent.

1 Comment

  1. sexytherapy says:

    For a brief moment I thought this book has already been published and I was ready to get on Amazon to buy it for my Kindle! So I truly hope you will get all the support you need to publish it! Sending good energy your way! It ismuch needed!

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